Bulk of data files download with Python

UPDATE: The latest Python tutorial can be found here: Bulk Data Downloading in Python (API v3)

Hello, Dewey community. I am back to explore the Dewey datasets. This time with Python. I thought I created this R example based on a Python example, but it seems not? So, here, I made a Python version to download the bulk of files from Dewey. Hope this helps Python users.

import getpass
import json

import pandas as pd
import requests

DEWEY_TOKEN_URL = "https://marketplace.deweydata.io/api/auth/tks/get_token"
DEWEY_MP_ROOT   = "https://marketplace.deweydata.io"
DEWEY_DATA_ROOT = "https://marketplace.deweydata.io/api/data/v2/list"

# Get access token
def get_access_token(username, passw):
    response = requests.post(url=DEWEY_TOKEN_URL, data={}, auth=(username, passw))
    json_dict = json.loads(response.text)
    return json_dict["access_token"]

# Return file paths in the sub_path folder
def get_file_paths(token, sub_path=""):
    response = requests.get((DEWEY_DATA_ROOT + sub_path),
                            headers={"Authorization" : "Bearer " + token})
    json_text = json.loads(response.text)
    response_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_text)
    return response_df

# Download a single file from Dewey (src_url) to a local destination file (dest_file).
# Increase the timeout if you have a large file to download.
def download_file(token, src_url, dest_file, timeout=200):
    response = requests.get(src_url, headers={"Authorization" : "Bearer " + token}, timeout=timeout)
    open(dest_file, 'wb').write(response.content)

# Example ----------------------------------------------------------
# Avoid including your credentials in the code.
# You can hard type your credentials in the code as well though.
user_name = getpass.getpass("User name (email address)")
pass_word = getpass.getpass("Password")

# Get access token
tkn = get_access_token(user_name, pass_word)

# Get file paths in the "/2018/01/01/SAFEGRAPH/MPSP" sub folder.
file_paths = get_file_paths(token=tkn, sub_path="/2018/01/01/SAFEGRAPH/MPSP")
# Print first 5 paths

# Download the first file to C:/temp/, as an example.
# In the file_paths DataFrame,
# file_paths.loc[0, "url"] looks like:
# /api/data/v2/data/2018/01/01/SAFEGRAPH/MPSP/20180101-safegraph_mpsp_visit_panel_0'
# and file_paths.loc[0, "name"] looks like:
# visit_panel_summary.csv'.
src_url = DEWEY_MP_ROOT + file_paths.loc[0, "url"]
dest_file = "C:/temp/" + file_paths.loc[0, "name"]
download_file(tkn, src_url, dest_file)

# Done! Check out your "C:/temp/"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

You can apply loops to download multiple files.

Thank you!

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Thank you so much for sharing this! Can you possibly provide an example of looping this for multiple files?

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Hi Sara,

Hope it’s not too late. It depends on the directory structure, but mine looks like the one below. It has years from 2018 to 2022 and each year has of course 12 months. In each month’s folder, there are multiple files. I downloaded them into one folder and file-named like “20180101_file name…”.

import traceback

PATTERN_DOWN_FOLDER = "C:/Temp/Dewey/SafeGraph/Patterns"

for year_ in range(2018, 2023):
    for month_ in range(1, 13):
        tkn = get_access_token(user_name, pass_word)

        file_paths = get_file_paths(tkn, "/" + str(year_) + "/" +str(month_).rjust(2, "0") + "/01/SAFEGRAPH/MPSP")
        file_paths.sort_values(by = ["name"])

        ym_head_str = str(year_ * 10000 + month_ * 100 + 1)  # 20180101 format

        n_files = file_paths.shape[0]
        for i in range(0, n_files):
            src_url = DEWEY_MP_ROOT + file_paths.loc[i, "url"]

            # File names like "20180101_core_poi-geometry-patterns-part1.csv.gz"
            dest_file = PATTERN_DOWN_FOLDER + "/" + ym_head_str + "_" + file_paths.loc[i, "name"]
            print("Year-month:" + str(year_) + "-" + str(month_) + ":  " + str(i) + "/" + str(n_files-1))
            print("src_url: " + src_url)
            print("dest_file: " + dest_file)

                tkn = get_access_token(user_name, pass_word)
                download_file(tkn, src_url, dest_file, timeout = 300)
                print("Warning occurred in file index " + str(i) + ". Moving forward to the next.")

Hope this helps.

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Thank you very much, this was incredibly helpful. Appreciate the response!