Bulk Data Downloading in R (API v3)

:warning: This page is no longer being updated

For the latest updates and information, please refer to our new Dewey documentation page at docs.deweydata.io

The information for this page can be found on this page:

There was an upgrade in Dewey API to v3 from v2. This tutorial reflects the v3 API with additional convenience functionalities. I tried to maintain the tutorial as close to the v2 tutorial. Python version tutorial is available here.

1. Create API Key

In the system, click Connections → Add Connection to create your API key.

As the message says, please make a copy of your API key and store it somewhere. Also, please hit the Save button before use.

2. Get a product path
Choose your product and Get / Subscribe → Connect to API then you can get API endpoint (product path). Make a copy of it. You will notice that the path now includes “v3” instead of “v2”.

3. R Code
Beginning November 12, 2023, R library for Dewey Data (deweydatar) is available on GitHub (Dewey-Data/deweydatar (github.com)). You can install the library directly from the GitHub source as following. It requires devtools.

# Load "devtools" library (install it first, if don't have it)
# Install deweydatar package from GitHub

# Use deweydatar library

# Start using functions...
# Example, not run
apikey_ = "Your API Key"
pp_ = "Your product path (API endpoint)"
files_df = get_file_list(apikey_, pp_, print_info = T)
download_files(files_df, "C:/Temp")

deweydatar package has the following functions:

  • get_file_list: gets the list of files in a data.frame
  • read_sample_data: read a sample of data for a file download URL
  • read_sample_data0: read a sample of data for the first file with apikey and product path
  • read_local_data: read data from locally saved csv.gz file
  • download_files: download files from the file list to a destination folder
  • download_files0: download files with apikey and product path to a destination folder
  • slice_files_df : slice files_df (retrieved by get_file_list) by date range

All the update of the R functions and new features will be supported through the library starting November 12, 2023.

Below is the raw R code you can copy and run. This is deprecated and there will be no more support on this code. Here is the R code for file downloads (for API v3).


make_api_endpoint = function(path) {
  if(!startsWith(path, "https://")) {
    api_endpoint = paste0("https://app.deweydata.io/external-api/v3/products/", path, "/files")
  } else {
    return (path)

# Get the list of files on server
get_file_list = function(apikey, product_path,
                         start_page = 1, end_page = Inf,
                         print_info = T) {
  product_path = make_api_endpoint(product_path)
  data_meta = NULL
  page_meta = NULL
  files_df = NULL
  page = start_page
  while(T) {
    req = request(product_path) %>%
      req_headers("X-API-KEY" = apikey) %>%
      req_headers("accept" = "application/json") %>%
      req_url_query ("page" = page)
    response = tryCatch(
      }, warning = function(cond) {
        message("Warning during httr2::req_perform.")
      }, error = function(cond) {
        message("Error during httr2::req_perform.")
    if(is.null(response)) {
    } else if(response$status_code == 401) {
    # resp_content_type(response)
    # resp_status_desc(response)
    res_json = resp_body_json(response)
    # initialize
    if(res_json$page == start_page) {
      data_meta = data.frame(
        total_files = res_json$total_files,
        total_pages = res_json$total_pages,
        total_size = res_json$total_size/1000000,
        expires_at = res_json$expires_at
    message(paste0("Collecting files information for page ", res_json$page, "/",
                   res_json$total_pages, "..."))

    if(!is.null(res_json$partition_column)) {
      partition_column = res_json$partition_column
    } else {
      partition_column = NA
    page_meta = rbind(page_meta,
                      data.frame(page = res_json$page,
                                 number_of_files_for_page = res_json$number_of_files_for_page,
                                 avg_file_size_for_page = res_json$avg_file_size_for_page/1000000,
                                 partition_column = partition_column)
    col_names_str = names(res_json$download_links[[1]])
    dn_link_unlist = unlist(res_json$download_links)
    # When partition column (key) is null
    if(!is.null(res_json$partition_column)) {
      dn_link_df = data.frame(matrix(dn_link_unlist, ncol = length(col_names_str), byrow = T))
    } else {
      dn_link_df = data.frame(matrix(dn_link_unlist, ncol = length(col_names_str)-1, byrow = T))
      dn_link_df = data.frame(dn_link_df[, 1], NA, dn_link_df[2:ncol(dn_link_df)])
    colnames(dn_link_df) = col_names_str
    page_files_df = data.frame(page = res_json$page, dn_link_df)

    files_df = rbind(files_df, page_files_df)
    page = res_json$page + 1
    if((page > res_json$total_pages) | (page > end_page)) {
      message("Files information collection completed.")
  # To date type
  files_df$partition_key = as.Date(files_df$partition_key)
  # Attach index
  files_df = data.frame(index = 1:nrow(files_df), files_df)
  # Backward compatibility
  files_df$download_link = files_df$link
  if(print_info == T) {
    message(" ")
    message("Files information summary ---------------------------------------")
    message(paste0("Total number of pages: ", data_meta$total_pages))
    message(paste0("Total number of files: ", data_meta$total_files))
    message(paste0("Total files size (MB): ", round(data_meta$total_size, digits = 2)))
    message(paste0("Average single file size (MB): ",
                   round(mean(page_meta$avg_file_size_for_page), digits = 2)))
    message(paste0("Date partition column: ", page_meta$partition_column[1]))
    message(paste0("Expires at: ", data_meta$expires_at))
    message(" ")
  #return(list(files_df = files_df,
  #            data_meta = data_meta, page_meta = page_meta));

# Read URL data into memory
read_sample_data = function(url, nrows = 100) {
  # if(nrows > 1000) {
  #   message("Warning: set nrows no greater than 1000.");
  #   nrows = 1000;
  # }
  url_con = gzcon(url(url), text = T);
  df = read.csv(url_con, nrows = nrows, skipNul = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8");


# Read first file data into memory
read_sample_data0 = function(apikey, product_path, nrows = 100) {
  files_df = get_file_list(apikey, product_path,
                           start_page = 1, end_page =1, print_info = T);
  message("    ");
  if(!is.null(files_df) & (nrow(files_df) > 0)) {
    return(read_sample_data(files_df$link[1], nrows));

# Can be slow. Recommend to use fread function at data.table package.
read_local_data = function(path, nrows = -1) {
  df = read.csv(gzfile(path), nrows = nrows);

# Download files from file list to a destination folder
download_files = function(files_df, dest_folder, filename_prefix = NULL, skip_exists = TRUE) {
  dest_folder = gsub("\\", "/", dest_folder, fixed = T);

  if(!endsWith(dest_folder, "/")) {
    dest_folder = paste0(dest_folder, "/");
  # number of files
  num_files = nrow(files_df);
  for (i in 1:num_files) {
    message(paste0("Downloading ", i, "/", num_files,
                   " (file index = ", files_df$index[i], ")"))
    file_name = paste0(filename_prefix, files_df$file_name[i]);
    dest_path = paste0(dest_folder, file_name)
    if (file.exists(dest_path) && skip_exists) {
      print(paste0("File ", dest_path, " already exists. Skipping..."))
    message(paste0("Writing ", dest_path))
    message("Please be patient. It may take a while...")

    req = request(files_df$link[i])
    response = req_perform(req)
    file_con = file(dest_path, "wb")
    writeBin(response$body, file_con)
    message("   ")

# Download files with apikey and product path to a destination folder
download_files0 = function(apikey, product_path, dest_folder, filename_prefix = NULL) {
  files_df = get_file_list(apikey, product_path, print_info = T);
  message("   ");
  download_files(files_df, dest_folder, filename_prefix);

# Slice files_df for specific data range of from start_date to end_date.
# For example, start_date = "2023-08-14", end_date = "2023-08-21".
slice_files_df = function(files_df, start_date, end_date = NULL) {
  start_date = as.Date(start_date)
  if(is.null(end_date)) {
    end_date = Inf
  end_date = as.Date(end_date)
  sliced_df = files_df[(start_date <= files_df$partition_key) &
                         (files_df$partition_key <= end_date), ]
  return (sliced_df)

4. Examples
I am going to use Advan weekly pattern as an example.

# API Key
apikey_ = "Paste your API key from step 1 here."

# Advan product path
product_path_= "Paste product path from step 2 here."

You will only have one API Key while having different product paths for each product.

You can now see the list of files to download by

files_df = get_file_list(apikey_, product_path_, print_info = TRUE);

print_info = TRUE set to print the meta information of the files like below:

Advan weekly pattern data has a total of 8848 files over 9 pages, a total of 1.8TB, and 206.81MB average file sizes.

API v3 introduced the “page” concept that files are delivered on multiple pages. Each page includes about 1,000 files. So, if the data has 8848 files, then there will be 8 pages with 1,000 files each and the 9th page with 848 files. Thus, if you want to download files on pages 2 and 3, you can

files_df = get_file_list(apikey_, product_path_,
                         start_page = 2, end_page = 3, print_info = T);

Also, you can do this to download files from page 8 to all the rest

files_df = get_file_list(apikey_, product_path_,
                         start_page = 8, print_info = T);

files_df includes a file list (data.frame) like below:

The data.frame has

  • index file index ranges from 1 to the number of files
  • page page of the file
  • link file download link
  • partition_key to subselect files based on dates
  • file_name
  • file_extension
  • file_size_bytes
  • modified_at
  • download_link which is the same as the link (download_link is left there to be consistent with the v2 tutorial).

You can quickly load/see a sample data by

sample_data = read_sample_data(files_df$link[1], nrows = 100);

This will load sample data for the first file in files_df (files_df$link[1]) for the first 100 rows. You can see any files in the list.

If you want to see the first n rows of the first file skipping get_file_list, you can use

sample_data = read_sample_data0(apikey_, product_path_, nrows = 100);

This will load the first 100 rows for the first file of Advan data.

Now it’s time to download data to your local drive. First, you can download all the files by

download_files0(apikey_, product_path_, "E:/temp", "advan_wp_")

The third parameter is for your destination folder (“E:/temp”), and the last parameter (“advan_wp_”) is the filename prefix. So, all the files will be saved as “advan_wp_xxxxxxx.csv.gz”, etc. You can leave this empty or NULL not to have a prefix.

The second approach to download files is to pass files_df:

download_files(files_df, "E:/temp", "advan_wp_")

This will show the progress of your file download like below:

If some of the files are already downloaded and if you want to skip downloading them, set download_files(files_df, "E:/temp", "advan_wp_", skip_exists = TRUE).

Sometimes, the download may stop/fail for any reason in the middle. If you want to resume from the last failure, then you can pass a slice of files_df. The progress shows file index = 2608 for example. If the process was failed on that file, you can resume from that file by

download_files(files_df[files_df$index >= 2608, ], "E:/temp", "advan_wp_")

Also, you may want to download incremental files, not all the files from the beginning. Then you can slice the data by date range. For example, to get the file list that falls between 2023-09-01 to 2023-09-10

sliced_files_df = slice_files_df(files_df, "2023-09-01", "2023-09-10")

and to get files from 2023-09-01 to all onward files

sliced_files_df = slice_files_df(files_df, "2023-09-01")

and then run

download_files(sliced_files_df, "E:/temp2")

You can quickly open a downloaded local file by

sample_local = read_local_data("E:/temp2/advan_wp_Weekly_Patterns_Foot_Traffic-0-DATE_RANGE_START-2019-01-07.csv.gz",
                nrows = 100)

Files are large to read from local disk and R’s base read.csv can be slow. I recommend using fread function in the data.table package.



Given the number of files in some of these products, I have run into problems where the signature has expired. Is there a V3 API call that would refresh the signature on a URL?

Every call to the API should refresh link expiration of 24 hours, so if processing is taking longer than 24 hours, you can hit the API again to refresh the links.

In the files_df dataframe, I only have a partial list of the weekly files-is anyone else having this problem? Eg: for the partition key “2020-06-29,” I expected there to be 167 files listed, but instead I have 36 files.

Have you been collecting all of the pages?

Yeah, I double checked by downloading the 10 pages.

Hi all. I’m getting pretty severely rate-limited using the package (429) which means I’m unable to do the bulk downloads I’m hoping for. Is there a setting that can be changed on the API and/or is there a patch that can be made to the R package to avoid this?

Hi Max,

This is being discussed over on this community post. Let me know if this helps. Thanks!

Thanks Nolan. It seems like the other people on the post are still struggling with the same problem as I am and there doesn’t yet appear to be a solution.

Hello, I am trying to use POI and geometry data, but I only need part of data. I found that all these data are saved in 64 compressed files separately when I used API key to download. I am wondering can I know that how these files are categorized and saved so that I can just download the files I need? Thank you very much.

Hi @YueXiong,

The files are not categorized by logic. You can however, use the explore feature to create a subset of data and access the file you need this way. You can also partition by date in the API call. I’ve placed some updated resources below:

Explore and Customize on Dewey
Access Data via API