Introduce Yourself!

Hey Tony! Welcome to the community. So glad to have you.

Hey @Alessia_Calafiore_University_of_Liverpool, welcome to the community. Glad to see more people in the UK join the community.

Hey @Hugh_Bartling_DePaul_University Welcome to the community. This sounds really interesting. When you say bike share are you referring to those services that let you temporarily rent bikes in cities? Are you including those electric scooters that are popular in urban areas as well?

Thanks @Spencer_Vail_SafeGraph! Yes, I’m interested in the bike share systems like CITIbike in NYC, Divvy here in Chicago, etc… I am interested in scooters as well and will likely include them in my modelling.

Hi @Xiangtian_Zheng_Texas_AM_University! Thanks for joining - we’re excited to have you in the community!

What’s your favorite sci fi movie? :movie_camera:

Really interested in hearing more about your research. What are you finding so far on the effects of COVID-19 on equal energy access?

Hi @Yao_Xu_NYUAD! Thank you for joining us - we’re excited to have you as part of the community. How often do you skydive? I think I would be too afraid of heights to ever try it!

We’re excited to learn more about your research on the social impact of COVID-19. When you have some extra time, you should check out this Youtube video (linked in the slack message below). @Hiroyuki_Kasahara @Paul_Schrimpf_UBC and Victor Chernozhukov recently led a seminar on their findings about the social impacts of COVID-19 policies on k-12. Very cool stuff!

Hi @Yao_Xu_NYUAD - welcome! So excited to have you. I’d definitely recommend the research Niki linked above. Since you mentioned “experimental methods”, I also wanted to share this research on Covid-19’s impact to small businesses and employment, which gathered signal from social media, among other experimental methods.

I want to make sure this research is relevant to your topic area, though. Can you elaborate on what you mean by “social impacts”? Would love to point you towards the most relevant resources available in our community.

Hi @Michael_Seufert_University_of_Wrzburg_Germany, thanks for joining. We’re glad to have you with us!

What are some of the trends you’re seeing on COVID-19’s effect on mobile networks?

When you have some extra time, I encourage you check out the work of @Zhizhen_Zhong_MIT. Zhizhen has previously done some work on predicting and managing Internet traffic using SafeGraph data. Check it out here!

Welcome @Michael_Seufert_University_of_Wrzburg_Germany Glad to have you in the community and I look forward to learning more about your work.

Hello @Yao_Xu_NYUAD Welcome to the community and I look forward to hearing more about your work. Can you give a high level overview of the methods you plan to use?

Hey @Xiangtian_Zheng_Texas_AM_University Welcome to the community. Curious how you are utilizing the electricity sector in this? Do you have a dataset from a utility you plan to analyze with SG data ?

Hey @Mikhail_Hayhoe_University_of_Pennsylvania Welcome to the community. Looking forward to hearing more about your research this sounds really fascinating.

We have hourly residential electricity consumption collected from some utility company. SF data can record the human activities in each granular area and we try to find the correlation between factors such as electricity consumption, human activities, and demographics.

Thanks @Niki_from_SafeGraph for pointing to Zhizhen’s work. I will definitively check it! :slight_smile:

Welcome @Michael_Grazziani! I’m new to the team, too. Excited to have you with us.

Thanks Niki!

Welcome @Michael_Grazziani Thank you for introducing yourself. Happy to have you on the team and working on Patterns.

Happy to be here. Thanks Spencer!

Hi @Majid_Shafiee_Jood_University_of_Virginia! Thanks for joining our community. We’re excited to hear more about your work!

@Majid_Shafiee_Jood_University_of_Virginia If you have some extra time, I recommend checking out a recent seminar SafeGraph hosted featuring @Levente_Juhasz and Hartwig Hochmair. They’ve also been doing research on behavior during natural disasters.