Is there any public information on the underlying sources for Safegraph Places data?

Is there any public information on the underlying sources for Safegraph Places data? I cannot find any mention in the online manual. (Not looking for a list of sources, just trying to get a general sense of what types of sources they use — yellow pages? Openstreetmaps? Yelp?)

Hi @Cody_Cook_Stanford_GSB, from the Safegraph website, they:

How We Create Our POI Database:


We onboard data from thousands of diverse sources. We compare, de-dupe, cross-reference, and discard bad data.


Our building footprints are derived from satellite imagery and supplemented with hand-drawn polygons.


We use machine learning and human feedback to associate POI business listing info with building footprints.


We algorithmically classify brands and denote spatial hierarchy. POIs (like restaurants) can exist within other POIs (like airports).


We leverage unique truth sets to continually improve the accuracy of our datasets.

Basically, they crawl the internet in thousands of places and ways to create this massive dataset.

I saw that. It’s quite vague so I was hoping for something more concrete.