Is there a way to obtain data on footfall (traffic) from CBG A to CBG B and vice versa?

Is there a way to obtain data on footfall (traffic) from CBG A to CBG B and vice versa? I notice that the patterns data only provides traffic visiting the POIs. But I want data on traffic moving from the POIs to other(/home ) CBGs?

I hope I was able to frame my question clearly. Any help would be highly appreciated


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Hi @Viknesh_Nagarathinam - thanks for the question. You’re correct - Weekly and Monthly Patterns aggregate to the POIs. However, have you checked out our Neighborhood Patterns? Instead of aggregating to the POI, it aggregates to CBGs. Here’s the schema if you want to check it out:

Thanks Niki! Could you point me to the dataset? I’m unable to locate it on the shop.

Neighborhood Patterns is not available through Shop, but can be purchased through our sales team. Apologies for the confusion!

How do I contact the sales team? I’d like to inquire about the costs for purchasing this data

Sure - let me DM you!

To prevent any further questions from being overlooked, I’ll go ahead and close this thread out. If you have any more questions or follow-up questions, we’re always here to help! Just be sure to make a new post to help, as we aren’t monitoring old threads at this time. Thanks!