If a device does not visit any POI in the given month, is it no longer included in that month’s home panel summary file?

Hello there- I have a question about the home panel summary file associated with the Patterns dataset. Would a sum of the column “number_devices_residing” represent the total number of (a) unique devices in the panel or (b) only unique devices in the panel that visited one of the POIs in the time period (e.g., month)? In other words, if a device does not visit any POI in the given month, is it no longer included in that month’s panel summary file? I’m trying to get a sense of whether the changes in the total number of devices residing over time is indicative of population changes.

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Hey @Catherine_Hoar_New_York_University - it’s the latter. To be counted in number_devices_residing in the home panel summary, there has to be an associated visit to a POI.

ok, understood- thank you so much for the quick reply!