I noticed unusually large number of visits to a location. The POI sg:955b37dc874f42b586c4525c68c3ba20

I noticed unusually large number of visits to a location. The POI sg:955b37dc874f42b586c4525c68c3ba20 has 12,000-60,000 visits a month during a few months compared to less than 500 in most other months. The location doesn’t seem to be near a busy intersection. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Hi @Anand_Goel_Stevens_Institute_of_Technology, could you let me know the months / dates you are testing where you see such large spreads? I would like to try and recreate this!

February to May 2019 have the most visits. Thanks,

Thanks Jack. Appreciate it. The POI seems to have records up to Sep 2018, none from Oct 2018 to Jan 2019, reappeared with many more visits starting Feb 2019 that go down over time.

Thanks @Anand_Goel_Stevens_Institute_of_Technology

out of curiosity is this particular point of interest to you or is it just an anomaly in the data you have noticed?

Just an anomaly (a few others are less extreme). I was trying to extract visitor home CBGs and found some monthly observations with close to 2000 CBGs.

Ok great, thanks @Anand_Goel_Stevens_Institute_of_Technology. I would say just throw those out for now. We are looking into it further on the back end to try and figure out what is going wrong. If you have a list of SGIDs with a similar pattern, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks. I didn’t find a very similar pattern but here are some other SGIDs with unusual variation in visits:
