I’m looking to get opened/closed on data for POIs dating back to mid-2019. Is this available, and have the opened/closed on variables been updated at all since earlier this year?

I’m looking to get opened/closed on data for POIs dating back to mid-2019. Is this available, and have the opened/closed on variables been updated at all since earlier this year? I previously downloaded this data and it was incomplete, but I’ve seen recent papers using this data which appear more complete.

Hi @Sophie_Andrews_UC_Berkeley_Energy_Institute, to my knowledge it has been updated. Here is a thread with some more information and a link to the FAQ - THREAD

@ross_epstein_safegraph should be able to help you from here.

hi @Sophie_Andrews_UC_Berkeley_Energy_Institute! first can you outline what POIs (naics or geos) you are interested in and first create an account on shop.safegraph.com ?

Hi, I think I have an account, because I actually downloaded the same data in June (it should be associated with my email, mailto:sophieandrews@berkeley.edu|sophieandrews@berkeley.edu). I’d like all CA POIs, we are interested in closures which happened since mid-2019. Sorry for the late reply!

@Sophie_Andrews_UC_Berkeley_Energy_Institute - i have initiated that export for you in your shop account