Have “date_range_start” as 2021-02-01 and “date_range_end” as 2021-03-01 (the same as the previous month’s data)? In the past, this date_range_start has always increased by 1 month, so I was wondering why it is different for March 2021?

Hi does anyone know why the "Monthly Places Patterns (aka “Patterns) Dec 2020 - Present” data for:

monthly-patterns-2020-12 > patterns > 2021 > 04 > 07 > 05 > parts1 through 4 [March data]

have “date_range_start” as 2021-02-01 and “date_range_end” as 2021-03-01 (the same as the previous month’s data)? In the past, this date_range_start has always increased by 1 month, so I was wondering why it is different for March 2021. Thank you!

@Emma_Lee_Columbia_University are you referring to the naming scheme of the AWS folders?

@Jack_Lindsay_Kraken1 No, not the folder naming. I know that the naming scheme of the folders refer to the date the data is posted. However, when you go into each individual file they list the date range for data collection. And for this last release, the date range is identical to the previous month’s release (when usually it increases by month)

Ohhhhh I see what you mean - give me just a moment to look into that

Thank you so much!

from initial review it looks like a rerelease was done on 4/08/06 - have you checked that file yet? I am downloading both now to check

Ooh I don’t think 08/06 was there this morning. I’ll check it out thanks for letting me know!

no problem! keep me posted - I will update you as well

EDIT: that fixed the issue! 08/06 has updated data collected in March

Great! thanks for the update! I am still downloading haha - I will flag the double entries nontheless! Thanks for bringing this up!

Is there a reason for the rerelease or is it safe to just go with the 08/06 data?

Not that I know of, it should be safe to just use the 08/06 data. I believe the other will be removed soon