Another API question: I think after the API update, my graphql queries aren’t working anymore. I’m sure this is just a syntax issue, but I can’t even run the example queries on the documentation site. Can anyone spot what’s wrong with my query?
I’ve also attached what the example query on the documentation site looks like. Maybe this instance hasn’t been updated to the latest version of the API?
hi daniel, we made some changes to make the weekly_patterns call run from the top level so it could process faster. try that query; also pagination is limited to 500 results at a time.
Hi Victor - thanks for the feedback, I’ll give it a shot later today. Do you have any advice for trying to get a list of all the places in a city? or if there’s a way for me to find out the last page in the pagination?
Sorry to bother so much, but do you have any advice on speeding up the querying process for getting all the places in a city? currently i’m doing this sequentially (waiting for a request to finish, see if it has a next page, if so, continue, if not, then stop), and I’m wondering if it’s possible to thread this process or is there some sort of aggregation by location query?
I’m also struggling to get any results for the monthly_patterns query.
you can make concurrent requests as long as the total requests are < 1,000/min. i will not that that there seems to be some issues around how some python libraries handle the asyncio calls that causes some issues.