Where is the Advan data stored?

Hi - I ordered the Advan weekly and monthly patterns datasets a few days ago, but can’t find it anywhere in my files. Specifically, in every month I click on, I only see the sample datasets I ordered a couple of months ago, but not the full datasets I ordered a few days ago. Are they stored in a specific month I haven’t checked, or did I just not get them sent to my files tab yet?


Hi Terry! Advan weekly Patterns are updated every 2 weeks while the Monthly Patterns dataset updates the 15th of every month.

I checked your account and added the latest Monthly and Weekly Patterns dataset to it (Q1-Q2 July WP + June MP)

You should be able to find them by going to User > Browse My files

Thanks Joseph!

So for future reference - if I wanted to get datasets from the past, would I need to order “Custom Historical” for each month instead of the monthly subscription?

That’s correct Terry. We’re rolling out a new feature soon that will make it much easier to access all of your files for a product in one place.