This notebook is designed to let you hit the ground running using SafeGraph Data from AWS in Databricks.
The notebook will teach you:
- How to load SafeGraph Patterns data from AWS s3 (via AWS Data Exchange) into a Databricks notebook.
- How to take full advantage of Databricks Delta Lake technology
- How to use SafeGraph data to analyze offline consumer behavior and foot-traffic to major corporate retail and restaurant brands, like Starbucks.
- What times of the day and days of the week is Starbucks most popular or least busy?
- How long do customers stay during their visit to Starbucks?
- How far from home do customers travel to visit Starbucks?
- What are the cross-shopping brand preferences of Starbucks customers? What other stores do they visit?
- How can I use SafeGraph data, combined with Census data, to do customer demographic analysis and build customer demographic profiles?