I am trying to work with the “Global Places (POI) & Geometry” dataset from Safegraph. For whatever reason, I get a 422 error when trying to get the file list for this dataset, despite the fact that using the exact same code to get the file list from Advan monthly patterns works just fine. Below is my code with non-public information (removed). monthly_advan_file_df populates as expected, but polygons_safegraph_files_df returns the following error:
Error during httr2::req_perform.
HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity.
The relevant code:
API_KEY ← “(removed)”
library(deweydatar)monthly_advan_product_path ← “https://app.deweydata.io/external-api/v3/products/(removed)/files”
monthly_advan_files_df ← get_file_list(API_KEY, monthly_advan_product_path, print_info = TRUE)
polygons_safegraph_product_path ← “https://app.deweydata.io/external-api/v3/products/(removed)/files”
polygons_safegraph_files_df ← get_file_list(API_KEY, polygons_safegraph_product_path, print_info = TRUE)
I am running deweydatar_0.1.5 as confirmed by sessionInfo(). I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the deweydatar package and this has not helped.