Research Paper: Human Mobility Patterns Linked to COVID-19 Prone Locations

:tada:Hi everyone - just wanted to highlight a recent publication featuring SafeGraph data!

Aditya Kulkarni from University of Minnesota recently used SafeGraph patterns data to identify and analyze spatiotemporal patterns in human mobility relevant to bars and restaurants in Minnesota throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This was challenging due to the denormalized structure of the dataset and numerous external factors that affect mobility data, such as the daily versus weekly trends, special events, and government restrictions. Aditya hoped that this paper would help policymakers reduce the spread of COVID-19 by providing insights into the correlation between long-duration visits and a COVID-19 outbreak at a location, along with analysis at different stages of the pandemic.

Here’s a link to the paper: Human Mobility Patterns Linked to COVID-19 Prone Locations | Academic Commons :pencil:

Check it out and let us know your thoughts! :speech_balloon:

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