LobbyingData Schema

Below is the data schema for US lobbying information provided by Dewey partner LobbyingData.

Real-time & Historical Lobbying Data

filing_url The URL link to the original HTML lobbying filing, as hosted by the Senate Office of Public Records, can be accessed via https.
filing_uuid The identifier, specific to a lobbying filing, which represents the association between a client and a lobbying firm.
filing_year The year in which the lobbying activities, reported in the filing, were conducted.
client_uuid The identifier, unique to LobbyingData.com, which identifies a client (an entity that procures lobbying services from a lobbying firm).
client_name The name of the client, which procures lobbying services from a lobbying firm, comprising of companies, organizations, public entities, and interest groups.
ticker_symbol This column represents the most recent or current stock market ticker symbol (as of 2023) associated with a client, provided the client is a publicly traded company. This is a time-invariant value, meaning it does not reflect any historical changes to the ticker symbol over time. Therefore, this column allows for a straightforward reference to each entity in present terms but may not correspond to the actual ticker symbol used by the company during different periods in the past.
pit_ticker_symbol This column represents the specific stock market ticker symbol used by a client during the year in which the lobbying activities, denoted by the “filing year” variable, took place. Assuming the client is a publicly traded entity, this “point in time” ticker symbol can vary from year to year and row to row, reflecting any historical changes in the ticker symbol. This approach ensures a more precise historical analysis as it aligns the ticker symbol with the exact one used by the company in the stock market during each respective filing year.
client_ticker_indicator This column signifies whether a matching stock ticker symbol is present for the client based on the “ticker_symbol” column. The values are either “Yes” or “No”, denoting the presence or absence of a corresponding current (as of 2023) stock ticker symbol. Please note that this indicator is linked to the static, time-invariant “ticker_symbol” and does not reflect the potentially varying “pit_ticker_symbol”.
client_government_entity A column indicating the presence or absence of a government entity status for the client, either “Yes” or “No”.
affiliated_organizations_indicator A column indicating the presence or absence of any affiliations for the client, including associations with other organizations such as foreign parent companies or subsidiaries, either “Yes” or “No”
affiliated_organizations A JSON column containing a list of dictionaries, each representing an entity or organization associated with the lobbying client. ““name””: The official name of the affiliated organization.
country The country in which the affiliated organization is based or operates.Affiliated organizations may consist of parent companies, subsidiaries, partners, or other entities with a financial, operational, or strategic relationship to the lobbying client. The inclusion of affiliated organizations in the dataset helps to provide a comprehensive understanding of the lobbying client’s network and potential influence."
affiliated_organizations_count The numerical count of organizations, companies, or interest groups that are affiliated with the client.
registrant_id The unique identifier, assigned by the Senate Office of Public records, for a registrant, being a lobbying firm that is remunerated for providing lobbying services on behalf of a client.
registrant_name The name of the registrant, which conducts lobbying services on behalf of a client, comprising of law firms located on K Street and the internal lobbying/government relations practice of companies.
lobbyist_uuids The unique identifiers of the lobbyists, associated with the relevant lobbying filing, separated by commas.
lobbyist_names The full names of the lobbyists associated with the relevant lobbying filing, as separated by commas.
lobbyist_count The numerical count of unique lobbyists associated with the relevant lobbying filing.
lobbyist_more_info A JSON column containing a list of dictionaries, each providing additional information about a registered lobbyist associated with the lobbying client. Each dictionary in the list includes the following details: “lobbyist_name”: The full name of the lobbyist. “lobbyist_uuid”: A unique identifier (UUID) assigned to the lobbyist for the purpose of distinguishing individual lobbyists and ensuring accurate data tracking. “previous_positions”: A description of the lobbyist’s prior government roles, if any.
lobbyist_conviction_disclosures A JSON column containing a list of dictionaries, each providing information about any past criminal convictions of registered lobbyists associated with the lobbying client. Each dictionary in the list includes the following details: “lobbyist_name”: The full name of the lobbyist. “lobbyist_uuid”: A unique identifier (UUID) assigned to the lobbyist for the purpose of distinguishing individual lobbyists and ensuring accurate data tracking. “conviction_date”: The date of the lobbyist’s conviction, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. “conviction_description”: A brief description of the conviction, including the nature of the offense, the jurisdiction in which the conviction took place, and the relevant legal code or statute.
lobbyist_conviction_disclosures_count A rare occurrence: the numerical count of unique lobbyists that have criminal convictions.
agencies The compilation of all government agencies that were the subject of lobbying efforts, as reported in the relevant lobbying filing (grouped by the filing_uuid), separated by commas.
agency_count The numerical count of government agencies that were the subject of lobbying efforts, as reported in the relevant lobbying filing.
general_issue_codes The compilation of all general issue codes (80 in total) that were the subject of lobbying efforts, as reported in the relevant lobbying filing (grouped by the filing_uuid), separated by commas.
general_issues The compilation of all original general issue names that were the subject of lobbying efforts, as reported in the relevant lobbying filing (grouped by the filing_uuid), separated by commas.
general_issue_count The numerical count of general issues that were the subject of lobbying efforts, as reported in the relevant lobbying filing.
specific_issues The detailed descriptions of the lobbying activities and the specific reasons for which a client (company, organization, or interest group) engaged in lobbying efforts with the federal government.
bills_lobbied_on A JSON column containing a list of dictionaries, each representing a bill that the lobbying client has engaged in lobbying activities on. Each dictionary in the list includes the following information: “congress”: The number of the Congress session in which the bill was introduced. “bill_name”: The official designation of the bill, usually formatted as “H.R.” (House of Representatives) or “S.” (Senate) followed by the bill number. “bill_title”: The full title of the bill, which briefly describes its purpose or subject matter. “bill_number”: The unique number assigned to the bill for identification purposes.
bills_lobbied_on_count The count of congressional bills and public/private laws lobbied on by filing_uuid
lobbying_activities_more_info A JSON column containing a list of dictionaries, each representing the full relationship between issues lobbied on and agencies targeted, as well as lobbyists positioned on those issues. Each dictionary in the list includes the following information: agency_ids: A string containing the IDs of the agencies involved in the lobbying activities. lobbyist_uuids: A string containing the unique identifiers (UUIDs) of the lobbyists involved in the lobbying activities, separated by commas. specific_issue: A string describing the specific issues addressed during the lobbying activities. general_issue_code: A string representing the code for the general issue area related to the lobbying activities (e.g., ‘BAN’ for Banking, ‘BUD’ for Budget/Appropriations, ‘CIV’ for Civil Rights/Civil Liberties). general_issue_name: A string representing the name of the general issue area related to the lobbying activities (e.g., Banking, Budget/Appropriations, Civil Rights/Civil Liberties).
foreign_entity_indicator A column indicating the presence or absence of any affiliations with foreign entities, including foreign companies and foreign governments, for the client.
foreign_entities A JSON column (list of dictionaries) that contains detailed information about all foreign organizations and entities affiliated with a lobbying client. Each dictionary in the list represents a separate foreign entity and includes the organization’s name, the country it belongs to, and the monetary contribution (if any) it has made to the lobbying effort. Foreign entities can include businesses, nonprofits, and other entities with a vested interest in the lobbying client’s objectives or policy issues. ‘name’: This key represents the official name of the foreign entity or organization that is affiliated with the lobbying client. It is a string value that contains the full legal name of the organization. ‘country’: This key denotes the country where the foreign entity or organization is based or primarily operates. It is a string value that includes the name of the country. ‘contribution’: This key refers to the monetary contribution, if any, made by the foreign entity or organization towards the lobbying effort. It is a numeric value expressed as a floating-point number, in U.S. dollars.
foreign_entity_issues The issues that were the subject of lobbying efforts by foreign entities.
foreign_entity_count The numerical count of foreign entities that are associated with the client.
dollar_amount The dollar amount transacted in a lobbying contract between a client and a registrant.
filing_type The type of contract associated with the lobbying filing, i.e. registration, quarterly report, end of year report.
termination_date The date in which the lobbying relationship between a client and registrant was terminated. This is typically seldom updated and comes unaltered from the Senate Office of Public Records.
date_time_posted The date and time the lobbying filing was submitted to the government, in PST
date_posted The date the lobbying filing was submitted to the government, in PST.
agency_id The Senate Office of Public Records unique identifier for a government agency.
agency_name The Senate Office of Public Records name for a government agency.
general_issue_code The Senate Office of Public Records unique identifier for 1 of 79 general issue codes.
issue_name The Senate Office of Public Records name for 1 of 79 general issue codes.
filing_type_value The standard filing type code, corresponding to a lobbying contract “type,” as supplied by the Senate Office of Public Records Lobbying Registry.
filing_type_name The standard filing name, corresponding to a lobbying contract “type,” and associated with the filing type value, as supplied by the Senate Office of Public Records Lobbying Registry.