Does anyone know of any good datasets that provide the dates of NPI at the county level for the whole US?

does anyone know of any good datasets that provide the dates of NPI at the county level for the whole US?

yes! @Susan_Athey1 and @Bartley_Tablante worked on this Workspace Deleted | Slack

thanks - I guess this is the most comprehensive one? it’s missing a lot of counties in the US still

I found this one: Covid-19-data/Lockdown at 3d3047c3e52796d5100373adc770f66aa1d2f7bc · COVID-19-Israel/Covid-19-data · GitHub they also lack many counties but they (and myself) will work to incorporate this county level data from NY Times: See Which States and Cities Have Told Residents to Stay at Home - The New York Times
I tried contacting NY Times to get the data in a comfy CSV format but no answer yet. If anyone has this data in CSV, I’d love to know.

There’s also an interactive map at (the national association for counties) with a lot of info, but I emailed them and they won’t release the underlying data for some reason.

You can check out our dataset: GitHub - JieYingWu/COVID-19_US_County-level_Summaries: Attempt to find correlation between a region's demographic/economic factors with its ability to manage disease spread We have a good amount of county level data including NPI: COVID-19_US_County-level_Summaries/interventions.csv at master · JieYingWu/COVID-19_US_County-level_Summaries · GitHub


@Mathias_Unberath_Johns_Hopkins_CS are you going to be updating it, or is that file a one and done thing? (i.e should I point to the file on github?)

@Martin_Andersen_UNC_Greensboro Our group is actively working on it and maintaining it as well as possible. Right now, we are all doing pro bono work in this regard, so there are no guarantees as to how immediately we can react but we are trying to stay on top of it.

got it. Thank you!