Does anyone know if there’s a European analogue to COVID Tracking data, regional positive and total tests available somewhere?

does anyone know if there’s a European analogue to, regional positive and total tests available somewhere? I see a lot of disjointed country level data - but wasnt sure if someone had coalesced them

Hi Dhruv, have you tried this one? COVID-19 Pandemic - Humanitarian Data Exchange

thanks so much! this is great

though its national level

i was more wondering if there was a regional breakdown anywhere for EU is my capture of one dataset. You can see what values are available and at the bottom the countries covered.

@Sean_Davis_NIH cool!

i didnt see the tests in the github anywhere

for Italy - did you log those at a country level?

The R package just pulls data in from other resources, so I don’t have the dataset in my own github. The page linked above has description and link to the data source. In the case of Italy, the dataset includes the following “parts”:
Abruzzo Sicilia Sardegna Puglia Piemonte Molise Marche Veneto Valle d'Aosta Umbria P.A. Trento Toscana Emilia Romagna Campania Calabria P.A. Bolzano Basilicata Friuli Venezia Giulia Lombardia Liguria Lazio Emilia-Romagna

Thanks Sean!

looks like IT doesnt pull the test data :disappointed:

(looks like it pulls them only for AT/HU)

ill look into this

looks like germany doesnt report testing data