August '23 Product Update


Welcome to the Dewey product newsletter, our monthly update highlighting the latest changes to the platform and the newest datasets available to researchers.

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It’s been an exciting month here at Dewey! We’ve made big changes to our platform that make it easier than ever to find and access third-party datasets for academic research. Our new platform has smarter search functionality, more options for accessing and downloading data, and other UX improvements that we are thrilled to be rolling out. We’re deprecating the old platform this week, so go check it out!

Check out our new platform

New datasets for consumer behavior research

New consumer datasets now available

We’ve also launched new data partners! Dewey users studying consumer behavior will love two of the latest datasets. Subscribers now have access to POS data from Skupos, including basket details, payment info, loyalty program affiliation, and more for US convenience stores. Additionally, 10 years of historical consumer survey data from TraQline is now available for purchase. TraQline’s datasets provide information on purchase drivers, brand performance metrics, online vs. in-store shopping behavior, demographics, and other interesting attributes for research.

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New corporate workforce data available

New workforce intelligence data now available

WageScape’s salary and compensation data, organized by job title, company, industry, location, and other helpful filters for research is now live. Lagged historical data is available to subscribers, with more recent data available to license. Subscribers also have access to a new offering from People Data Labs. PDL’s Company Insights dataset provides 10+ years of historical workforce attributes like employee tenure, employee growth and churn, employee inflows/outflows from other companies, and executive leadership changes. Dewey users can also purchase PDL’s leading People dataset, which includes 50 years of resume data to better understand the manpower behind a company, including work history, education, and more.

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