Wanted to share some cool work by @Pranav_Thaenraj_UCSD that was recently featured on Towards Data Science! Congratulations, Pranav!
Had to share for all of our Community members using SafeGraph to look at the impact of natural disasters on mobility. If you want to learn how Hurricane Henri impacted foot traffic in NJ, NY, and PA, be sure to check out this article. Very detailed write up for anyone that wants to replicate Pranav’s work or use a similar approach for other natural disasters they’re studying.
Hey @BALBINDER_SINGH_GILL ! Flagging this piece by Pranav for you. IIRC, you’re interested in using SafeGraph data to look at how natural disasters influence finance decisions. Is there a specific natural disaster you were focusing in on?
Hey @Kunal_Sachdeva ! Last time we talked, you were thinking about using SafeGraph data to look at how natural disasters influence price gouging. Are you still working on this project? Can you share more specifics? This tutorial by Pranav might be helpful!
Hey @Changjie_Chen_University_of_Florida ! I remember your work is also focused around natural disasters. Thought you might find this tutorial interesting! Let us know if you have any other tips!
Hey @Levente_Juhasz - this tutorial reminded me of the seminar you gave a few months back on Hurricane Irma. Any differences in your team’s approach compared to Pranav? If so, please let us know!!