Neighborhood mobility patterns and socio-economic factors

I might have missed earlier conversations on a similar topic - would really appreciate some help!

@Avipsa_Roy_University_of_California_Irvine Can you explain a little bit about your research question? It is possible to organize visits to POIs within CBGs. I think you only need to count the visits by poi_cbg. For travel patterns, there is a social distancing metrics dataset that would probably be more suitable.

Thanks @Ruowei_Yang_UM_Baltimore: I am interested to explore neighborhood level mobility patterns and how it affects spread based on additional socio-economic factors per se

@Avipsa_Roy_University_of_California_Irvine You might want to check out the social distancing metrics dataset mentioned above and also take use of the open census data for demographic information. Here is a paper that investigated a similar topic: Workspace Deleted | Slack