Is there a way to look at data of where travelers go after arriving at a certain airport?

Hi, is there a way to look at data of where travelers go after arriving at a certain airport? I initially thought about using destination_cbgs from the social distancing dataset, but it seems that it only includes data from people with homes in the given cbg, so it won’t include travelers whose home cbgs are elsewhere.

Unfortunately this isn’t possible in quite the way you want it. Visits to different locations are aggregated and not recorded at the individual level, so you have no way of knowing what other places a given phone has visited.

That said, you could do something with the related_same_day_brand variable. The value of that variable for the airport itself will tell you the other locations people who visited the airport visited. But:

  1. It won’t tell you whether they visited those places before visiting the airport or after
  2. It only works for branded locations
  3. It only includes locations for which the tendency to visit those brands differs from the national average by 5%.
    So you’d have “brands that people are especially likely to visit on the same day they visit an airport” rather than “places people visit after they visit an airport.” If that’s good enough for what you need it should work!

It’s not quite what I’m looking for, but I’ll take a look at the data anyways. Thanks for the help!