Is there a way to download the customized open census data?

Hello, is there a way to download the customized open census data? The full data is 2.0GB. I have difficulty opening it with python.

Hi @Yang_UT_Austin , the open census data comes in a bunch of different individual files, so typically I would read in the files one at a time and filter to just the columns/rows I want from each file. Often, the columns I want are all in the same file or spread across just a couple of the files. Does that make sense?

Yeah, it does. But the file I downloaded is a single ‘.gz’ format file in the link. Could you please let me know where I could get the individual files?

I could be wrong, but is that GZ file a compressed folder that contains the individual files?

Yeah you’re right! I should extract it first. Now I get the individual files. Thank you!