If I have a geohash (9 characters), is it possible to check if there is a corresponding POI?

Hi, if I have a geohash (9 characters), is it possible to check if there is a PoI corresponding to it or not?

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Not directly with geohash. However, you could derive lat/long from your geohash and then use the Search by Radius feature in the the Places API. You can search based on a proximity to a lat/long point.

Thank you, @Niki_Kaz . Can you please help me with the procedure for getting the data?

Hi @Arindam_Ray_University_of_South_Florida - please see this post: Workspace Deleted | Slack

Thanks again, @Niki_Kaz

I was looking at the search by radius API. However, there is no python script given for that API (like others). I looked up the search function but that does not take lat/long/radius as input. Any documentation of search by radius function in Python?


I think my earlier meassge was not clear enough to indicate that I have already referred to that page. However, unlike other pages, it does not have a python script tab.

Also, I have checked the python library, safegraphQL, documentation, especially the search function. There also I did not find it taking parameters like lat, long and radius.