If I expand out weekly-patterns and monthly-patterns into daily visits, should I see the same number of raw visit counts for the same day and POI? If the counts don’t match, what is the explanation?

Hello All - I have a two part question about the ‘Patterns’ data:
1 - If I expand out weekly-patterns and monthly-patterns into daily visits, should I see the same number of raw visit counts for the same day and POI? If the counts don’t match, what is the explanation? Is it that backfill releases for weekly- and monthly- data came out at different times? Or something else?
2 - Considering that looking at weekly- or monthly- patterns gives different counts, what is the best way to look at daily visits, particularly for historic data (e.g. July 2018)?

Hello @Julie

  1. I believe that If you expend the weekly and monthly patterns into daily visits, the raw visit counts should be the same. You can actually see this match in the visits_by_day column which does this for you.
  2. These numbers should be the same - especially in the visits_by_day column. Could you provide examples of where there is variation in the values between the monthly and weekly data?
    Let me know if you have any other questions.

thanks, I assumed they should be the same but am seeing some differences - let me bring back a specific example

nevermind! they do indeed match, it was a bug in my processing. Thank you for your help!

no problem :slightly_smiling_face: let me know if you have any other questions.