I was curious if anyone knew where I could find county-level Excess Mortality data by week/month?

Hello! I was curious if anyone knew where I could find county-level Excess Mortality data by week/month? I’ve found this CDC article, but it breaks the data down by state not county: Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19 . Just wanted to check if anyone knew of a county-level dataset that may have already been aggregated?

@Zachary_Hough_University_of_Houston I’m not aware of county-level estimates. In the “Technical Documentation”, the CDC used the “surveillance” package in R. I think using this at the county level would produce some volatile results, but I’d be really interested in seeing what you get. This spreadsheet with Covid-19 data sources might be useful: SafeGraph Community Data Products - Google Sheets

I have been using this one. https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Death-Counts-in-the-United-St/kn79-hsxy/data

Unfortunately it is not disaggregated by week and everything is lumped together.

@Thomas_Young_Econometric_Studios_Utah_Legislature and @Sasmira_Matta_Wharton_School thank you both for your helpful links!

No problem @Zachary_Hough_University_of_Houston. Please let me know if you manage to find more disaggregated county estimates!