I have a question about the weekly patterns of POI visits. I checked the data since 03-01 to 04-26. I calculated the sum(raw_visitor_counts). I also calculated sum(visitor_home_cbgs) by iterating all key_pairs in this field

Hello @Ryan_Fox_Squire_SafeGraph , I have a question about the weekly patterns of POI visits.
I checked the data since 03-01 to 04-26. I calculated the sum(raw_visitor_counts). I also calculated sum(visitor_home_cbgs) by iterating all key_pairs in this field.
From 03-01 to 04-19, the ratio of sum(raw_visitor_counts)/sum(visitor_home_cbgs) are almost the same. But it seems that in the weekly patterns of 04-26, the sum(visitor_home_cbgs) is much less than the others.
For example, the sum(raw_visitor_counts) of 04-12, 04-19 and 04-26 are 68522098, 81303006, 88623625, respectively (these three are at the same level).
While the sum(visitor_home_cbgs) of 04-12, 04-19 and 04-26 are 57769825, 66673280, 9676776, respectively (04-26 data is much less than 04-19 and 04-12).
I wonder whether there is any changes of the release between 04-19 and 04-26?

looking into this

Our home locations are refreshed at the start of each month, and over the course of the month, we lose devices from the panel, so I would expect that there is some fall off towards the end of the month of devices with home locations in our datasets, and that is refreshed again at the start of each month.

One way we are planning to deal with this is to start re-calculating home locations every week.

Thank you for your reply! Do you mean that you will re-calculate the data for 04-26 again? If so, please let me know if you have updated it.

@Yuhao_Kang_University_of_Wisconsin it is a future plan without a definitive timeline. It may not be backfilled anytime in the near future, but I will keep you updated.

OK. Thank you! Currently, the proportion of number of data in 04-26 is quiet wierd. So I still wonder any issues about this.