Does anyone has any simple examples of reading data and doing basic queries in STATA?

I would great appreciate it if anyone has any simple examples of reading data and doing basic queries in STATA, I’d love to provide an example for other new STATA safegraph users

If nobody already has this I can add an example .do file to my to-do list. I’ve never worked with SafeGraph in Stata but I know Stata very well (although I may have to brush up on my gtools for working with these big-N files)

@Ryan_Fox_Squire_SafeGraph Where should I post STATA examples?


If you have a link hosted somewhere, then please add them to GitHub - SafeGraphInc/awesome-safegraph-datascience: A community-supported list of awesome data science resources relevant to SafeGraph data

Just remembered this thread - if this is still something we’d like to have, my offer to demonstrate how to work with the data using Stata stands!

That said, given the level of activity in this channel maybe we don’t need it